A.I Upscaling

Wat is A.I upcaling? A.I upscaling is a new technology used to upscale low quality footage to a higher resolution without losing quality, with traditional ways, when saving a low resolution file into a higher resolution, you will keep the low quality. A.I upscaling software fixes the missing textures and creates new ones for the best quality possible, with as a result, making your old footage looking sharp again!

Upscaling is also used by modern TV's, to make low resolution footage look better on your 4K TV! With cheaper TV's it's fairly obvious and it will give a molten plastic look to the footage when you are close to the TV.

Using A.I enhancement software as used by Hollywood by the likes of Peter Jackson (see They Shall Not Grow Old (2018) and The Beatles: Get Back (2021) i can make old and low quality footage look like new again! From old homevideo's from the super 8 mm film era to the HD era that started in the 2010's.


*(Disclaimer: The ai enhancement results are at their best on videos with a decent/high Bitrate and a resolution from/above 720x480. But if the footage really means allot to you, please contact me to see what can be done to salvage it.)
